One Piece 944: what a great chapter. Even very briefly it was
great to see most of the crew working together again at long last, and finally
we're going to see Big Mom entering the fray in her singular way. I wonder if
she'll get her memories back.
Dr. Stone 107: ehhh I think Kirisame buying that line after
seeing how well Kohaku fights is a bit far-fetched. But hey, I'm happy Ginrou
gets a chance to do something heroic.
Samurai 8 04:
still not fully on board with this
manga. The interesting friend/rival character is out of the picture again and
the mystery the father is hiding isn't yet intriguing enough to sustain
interest. All we have to look forward to is training? Not very exciting at the
beginning of a series. But we'll see.
Haikyuu! 351: Not sure I care very much about the backstory of
this rather forgettable opponent. It’s a bit generic too – he was too much of a
perfectionist until his bubble was burst by a teammate. Not sure I’ll remember
that fully.