One Piece 722 was very
interesting – more focus on Cavendish means that Rebecca is no longer the only
realistic candidate for victory in Luffy’s plot, Brook got a nice little
double-cross in and the main group is getting bigger and bigger with the little
fairies. I’ve been engaged throughout this arc, and it’s still in the
building-up stage.
Naruto 648 started with
Sasuke going into action with a silly made-up way for him to use senjutsu
inserted, and then everyone standing around going ‘WOW SO POWERFUL, WHAT
POTENTIAL’ yet again. Then came the cheesy contrivance of everyone being able
to see a flashback – but at least the arrival it heralded was a neat moment. On
one page of 20-odd.
Rozen Maiden II 46-47:
Nooooo Suigintou! Don’t take it back! Good thing you let Souseiseki do one last
thing, and it doesn’t look like it will be over any time soon. Unwound World
Jun seems to be effective at helping his younger self, but they’re still a way
off reviving him…and it was nice to see Hinaichigo back, at least for a little
while. Poor Tomoe.